Fair SPIEL’23
Hey guys,
Simply WOW! Those were really a few intense days. We are (in a positive sense) still befuddled by all the impressions, great people we had the chance to talk to, and especially by all the interest in Shards of Gods, which we are just incredibly happy about 😊.
This news update is also connected to the first official newsletter, which is why we would like to introduce ourselves briefly at this point. Mad Lizard Games currently consists of David, Felix and me, Fabian. Together we decided to try our luck with the development of tabletop roleplaying games and hope to inspire as many people as possible. Our first game takes players into the world of “Shards of Gods” and represents our high fantasy setting, whose concept as well as first samples we also presented this year at SPIEL in Essen.
First of all, our goal was to talk to you, share with you our ideas about the game world as well as the game itself of course, show you some of our prototype components and return to the development of the game motivated by the knowledge we gained.
We learned many important things, determined what is good and what needs improvement, as well as got many new impulses from other passionate gamers.
In short, thank you, you guys are awesome! Don’t forget to follow us on our channels and sign up for the Shards of Gods Kickstarter campaign. We’re counting on you! 😊
Next, we will continue to enrich Shards of Gods with more content, get the rulebook into a nice shape to be able to present it and continue to work on the preparations for our Kickstarter campaign. Of course, you will be kept up to date about everything!
Here are some more impressions from SPIEL 23:
we hope you had as much fun as we did 🙂 See you next time!