We love tabletop roleplay

Mad Lizard Games is a passionate and creative team specializing in the development of tabletop role-playing games

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Become part of the legend!

Support the epic fantasy RPG “Shards of Gods” by Mad Lizard Games and become part of our crowdfunding campaign on KICKSTARTER!

With your help, we can bring this captivating world to life and experience unforgettable adventures. Join us and earn exclusive rewards for your support.

Together we can create great things!

Crowdfunding FAQ

What is the goal of crowdfunding for Shards of Gods?

The crowdfunding for Shards of Gods aims to get financial support from the community to enable the full production and release of the game.

What are the benefits for me as a crowdfunding supporter?

As a supporter of the crowdfunding, you will receive exclusive rewards. In addition, you are directly involved in the design of the game together with the community and can pass on your feedback directly to us.

Where and how can I support crowdfunding?

The crowdfunding takes place on KICKSTARTER. There you can find and support the project.

Game Overview

Experience captivating adventures

Fight epic battles, find powerful artifacts and explore the stories of our characters

Worldbuilding book
Map & Battlemap Books
Adventure Books

Manage the game easily with our

Help cards



Item cards and skill cards

Start playing right away and choose one of our pre-written characters

In Shards of Gods, in addition to the option to create your own heroes, many other playable characters await you, whose exciting stories are waiting to be discovered.


Valeria is a powerful mage as well as an exemplary scholar. In her search for the truth, she always strives for more knowledge, while in doing so she guards a dark secret that threatens to engulf her completely.


Some strive for wealth. Some strive for knowledge. Some strive for power. Nagatt, however, wants nothing more than to wander the world and invent new things. If only his growing forgetfulness would not stand in his way.


As a former slave, Zartok knows what it means to live through hard times. As a generally unwelcome Zerkarian, he has his own struggles on the streets, but has never forgotten his ambitions. He wants to get to the top and there is no compromise.


Als Oberhaupt einer in Verruf geratenen Adelsdynastie aus Anloc, ist Aseron gerissen, wortgewandt und versucht mithilfe von geschickter Manipulation seine Ziele zu erreichen, wobei er sich für keine Intrige zu schade ist.


Once a proud member of the Guardians of Cloudsong, Sky Dance was cast out when she lost one of her wings through foolish recklessness. Far from everything she knows, she hopes to regain her honor and find a way to return to her homeland.


The priestesses of the Moon Elves, sung about in many legends, are said to be able to see the future in the water of their sacred spring. However, Shani would not have imagined this particular future. Far from her homeland, it is up to her to discover an alien world and to master the mysterious powers whose responsibility was imposed on her.


As head of a discredited noble dynasty from Anloc, Aseron is cunning, eloquent and tries to achieve his goals with the help of clever manipulation, whereby he is not too shy for the most despicable intrigue.


Here are some examples of the numerous realms to discover in Shards of Gods.


While the United Kingdoms, Dar’hab and the Imperium are characterized by laws and alliances, a different principle prevails in Mertalis.

Those who travel to Anloc, in the west of the United Kingdoms, enter a strange, mysterious world of twilight and shadow, where everything outside the mushroom forests seems to recede into an unreal distance.

The diverse lands of Elun are home to a wide variety of cultures. In the south of the continent one can find exotic, alien-looking lands, drastically different in their natural and cultural makeup from the rest of the mainland.


While the United Kingdoms, Dar’hab and the Imperium are characterized by laws and alliances, a different principle prevails in Mertalis.

Here, depending on the region, individuals, gangs or simply no one can rule and there is no written law. The reputation of a criminal paradise is usually imposed on Mertalis by the “civilized” realms, but this is only half the truth. Even without written laws, a well-functioning society has developed in most parts of Mertalis, whose freedom-loving citizens do not want to be restricted by regulations.

Also known as the land of merchants, Mertalis has secured a strategically critical position, protecting itself against any plans of attack by other nations.   


Those who travel to Anloc, in the west of the United Kingdoms, enter a strange, mysterious world of twilight and shadow, where everything outside the mushroom forests seems to recede into an unreal distance.

As the home of the cunning and perfectionist Shadow Elves, the forest itself also reflects these qualities. Throughout Anloc, one beautiful sight follows another. Be it the impressive, magnificent cities of the Elves or the fascinating play of colors of the fluorescent flora and fauna, which in its uniqueness can only be found in these realms. But at the same time, the forest and its natural inhabitants are as opaque as the ambitions of its Elven masters.

Every sight, no matter how beautiful, is bathed in twilight and the naked eye cannot discern what lurks in the darkness beyond.   


The diverse lands of Elun are home to a wide variety of cultures. In the south of the continent one can find exotic, alien-looking lands, drastically different in their natural and cultural makeup from the rest of the mainland.

Characterized by intense heat, endless deserts, colorful cities, as well as the famous Sapphire Plains, the land of Dar’hab is best known for its matriarchal society, advanced research, beautiful glasswork, and the passion of its colorfully dressed people.


FAQ about the game

What is Shards of Gods?

Shards of Gods is an epic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game from Mad Lizard Games that takes players into a captivating world of mystery, legends, and epic battles.

Which game genre does Shards of Gods represent?

Shards of Gods is a high fantasy tabletop roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of heroes and experience adventures together.

How many players can participate in a game?

The game is designes for 4-6 players, one of whom is the Game-Master, guiding the other players thruogh the adventure while they try to achieve a common goal.

Are there any expansions or additional content for the game?

The game will be expanded in the future with new, optional content and products that can be integrated at will. Currently, the team is 100% focused on the core game.

Can I play the game online?

All of our adventures and components will also be available for purchase in digital form, allowing for collaborative online play.

Is there an age restriction for the game?

The game is recommended for all players from the age of 12.

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